Reverse Consolidation Merchant Cash Advance

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Whether a merchant has one MCA currently in place or multiple, it can be a challenge from a cash flow standpoint to cover the daily/weekly payment requirements. Our Reverse Consolidation MCA program helps merchants pay their current MCA obligations, which frees up cash flow for other business needs.

We will deposit the amount of your current daily or weekly MCA payments into your bank account. You will then make reduced, longer term payments to us to repay the reverse consolidation funding. The benefit of this program is that the reverse consolidation payment is for a longer term and usually at a better rate than the other MCA agreements.

This strategy allows your business to meet its current MCA obligations, free up cash flow and pay back the reverse consolidation with more favorable terms. It some cases, a reverse consolidation funding will also allow you to receive some lump sum cash up front as well.

ROC Funding Group offers two kinds of Reverse Consolidation programs.

  • Standard Unsecured Reverse Consolidation – Approval based on standard financial underwriting polices.
  • Asset Based Reverse Consolidation – Reverse consolidations can also be backed up or guaranteed by verifiable assets of the business, such as real estate, inventory, equipment or other valuable property.

If you have been in business for at least 9 months, with $5,000 or more per month in revenue, contact us today to learn more about how ROC Funding Group can arrange a Reverse Consolidation MCA to fit your unique business needs. We also offer flexible payment terms, so you can set up the exact amount that will be withdrawn from your account on a daily/weekly basis.

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